Blog 102

Sam Dunegan
Oct 19, 2020
  1. What has your experience learning to code been like so far? What would you change about it? My experience has been challenging but also very exciting. One thing I would change about it would be doing in person class but that is out of my control due to the current pandemic.
  2. How do you describe the DOM, as you know it so far? I would describe the DOM as a navigational map for the html. It lays out the language and set up of the code making it easy to read out.
  3. Can you explain the difference between coding a website to be responsive and using a mobile-first strategy? A website that is responsive is set up for the user to be able to view it on any device. The mobile-first strategy is made to where everything can be done on a mobile device just like it were a desktop.
  4. What does coding look like to you in your mind? Coding looks like a a bunch of gears working together to create one large machine. Every command in a code is there for a reason and it all comes together in the end to make one webpage.
  5. Where do you see yourself working in 365 days from today? What do you want to be working on? I see myself working for a high end web development company. I would like to work for a company that partners with the service industry so I can help people who are in my shoes now.

