1 min readOct 11, 2020
Blog 101
- Describe one thing you learned in class today. I learned how to properly create new folders by using git bash and even creating new files within the folders by using the right commands. We went over this process in the pre class assignment but it wasn’t until I got into a class room setting where I could further understand it.
- Describe your choice of 2 pseudo-selectors and discuss what they are used for. The first pseudo-selector I enjoy using is :link. This selector is used to select unvisited links. This is helpful when creating a background. The other one I like is :first-of-type Selector. This selector allows you to to effect the first child element of a particular type.
- What are some of the “gotchas” for writing efficient CSS? Some of the things that I’ve come to realize is that practice makes perfect. Using proper spacing and indentions can make code much easier to navigate. Also knowing the correct order of parent elements when writing the backbone for your code can make a very big difference.